

Common Conditions: What We Treat

Online Pharmacy - Medbox Rx Pharmacy in Brampton, Ontario

Skip long waits to see the doctor.

Until now, you have had to visit your family doctor, walk-in clinic, or a local hospital to treat common conditions such as pink eye, rashes, or urinary tract infections, among many others.

Now you can simply call your highly trained MedBox Rx Pharmacist and be assessed and treated sooner and closer to home.  There is no cost for the visit and you can walk in or meet us virtually.

MedBox Walk-in Clinic is a one-stop-shop for your most common medical needs.  Get assessed and treated easily and quickly so you can get on with feeling better.

We offer transparent, low-cost pricing on all your medications, shipped to your door directly from our pharmacy.

We treat:

Covid-19 Infection

COVID-19 Symptoms & Testing

Allergies (allergic rhinitis, hayfever);

oral thrush (candidal stomatitis);

pink eye (conjunctivitis; bacterial, allergic and viral eye infection);

skin rash (atopic dermatitis, eczema, allergic and contact dermatitis);

menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea);

acid reflux (gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD);

hemorrhoids (piles)

cold sores (herpes labialis);

impetigo (pyoderma, contagious bacterial skin infection)

insect bites and hives (urticaria);

tick bites (post-exposure prophylaxis to prevent Lyme disease);

sprains and strains (musculoskeletal injury); and

urinary tract infections (UTI, bladder infection, kidney infection)

We also provide short-term prescription refills for chronic conditions.


Questions for our Pharmacy Team?

Call us today at: (905) 451-4888