
Your skin is unique, and you should be able to give it the personalized care it deserves when you experience conditions such as acne, eczema and rash. Connect with our licensed clinicians for a customized treatment plan, and if a prescription is recommended, expect swift relief delivered straight to your door.

About Cold Sores

Cold sores, or Herpes labialis, are common blisters around the mouth caused by herpes simplex viruses (HSV-1 and HSV-2). Globally, 3.7 billion people under 50 carry HSV-1, often contracted non-sexually during childhood, while HSV-2 affects around 491 million individuals in this age group.

Often transmitted through saliva, like sharing drinks or kissing, and through oral-genital contact. While HSV-2 is commonly linked to genital herpes and spreads through sexual contact, it can also lead to oral herpes, emphasizing the importance of protection and caution.

What are the signs and symptoms of Cold Sores?

  • Small, painful blisters around the mouth or on the lips.
  • Itching, burning sensations, and swelling or redness.
  • Flu-like symptoms, such as fever, headache, and swollen lymph nodes.

Breaking Down The Triggers:

  1. Stress
  2. Fatigue
  3. Hormonal changes (such as menstruation)
  4. Fever
  5. Painful bumps around the mouth area

How can I treat Cold Sores?

Recognizing cold sores can be challenging, marked by flu-like symptoms, fever, and painful mouth blisters. Good hygiene is crucial, as the virus remains contagious during the healing stage.

Simple measures to consider:

  • Keep the Affected Area Clean: Use a cool damp cloth to gently cleanse the sore. A mild soap is fine but be gentle to avoid irritation.
  • Avoid Touching the Sores: This helps them heal quicker and prevents spreading the virus.
  • Maintain Hand Hygiene: Wash your hands frequently to prevent spreading the infection.
  • Don't Share Personal Items: Items like towels, utensils, or lip balm should be used by you alone.
  • Lip Care: Apply lip balm or creams to prevent your lips from becoming too dry or splitting, which could exacerbate the issue. Look for ingredients like allantoin, cocoa butter, petroleum jelly and zinc oxide.
  • Reduce your stress: Stress can trigger recurrences so trying to eat healthy, getting a good night sleep and exercise and taking time to relax may help prevent future eruptions.

Discover relief with these medication choices designed to effectively alleviate your symptoms:

Topical Pain Relievers

What it does:
Provide relief for mild to moderate pain and itching from cold sores.

Medications in this class:
Benzocaine, Camphor, Lidocaine, Menthol, Phenol, Pramoxine, and Prilocaine.


  • Effective in relieving mild pain.


  • May only work for a short time.
  • Anesthetics can cause heart issues if swallowed.
Oral Pain Relievers

What it does:
Relieves moderate or severe pain.

Medications in this class:
Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, and Naproxen.


  • Provides rapid relief from uncomfortable pain.


  • Not suitable for long-term use.
  • Can aggravate stomach pain and heartburn, liver disease and kidney and blood issues in some people that have certain conditions or take some medications.
Antiviral agents

What it does:
Accelerates the recovery process, minimizing the time it takes for symptoms to fade, potentially reducing healing time from 7 to 14 days.

Medications in this class:
Docosanol, Valacyclovir, Acyclovir, and Famciclovir.


  • Prevents the spread of the virus to healthy cells.
  • Used for both prevention and treatment.


  • Needs to be started as quickly as possible to be effective.
  • Meds may need to be taken frequently or long durations depending on the situation.

What it does:
Helps reduce inflammation and itching.

Medications in this class:


  • Aids in symptom reduction when used alongside antiviral medications.


  • Can mask the spread of infection and inhibit the normal immune response.

About Dermatitis

Dermatitis encompasses various skin conditions that bring discomfort, characterized by red, inflamed, and sometimes blistering or scaly skin. If you've encountered persistent, itchy skin, it could be a form of dermatitis. Let's explore what dermatitis involves, its diverse types, triggers, and effective treatment approaches.

What are the signs and symptoms of Dermatitis?

  • Dry itchy skin, blisters, or hives.
  • Redness and inflammation of the affected skin area.
  • Possible sensation of burning with oozing or crusting.

Breaking Down The Triggers:

  1. Genetics: there may be a family history of allergic conditions like runny nose and eyes, and asthma.
  2. Irritants: Soaps, detergents, shampoos, disinfectants, and even water can cause dermatitis in some people.
  3. Temperature: Hot weather, high and low humidity, and sweating from exercise can trigger flare-ups.
  4. Allergens: Pollen, pet dander, mold, and dust mites are common culprits.
  5. Microbes: Bacteria, viruses, and fungi can cause skin irritation, infections and flare-ups.
  6. Foods: Dairy, eggs, soy, wheat, nuts, and seeds are common food-related triggers.
  7. Stress: Emotional stress can provoke symptoms or exacerbate existing flare-ups.

How can I treat Dermatitis?

While there's no cure for varying skin conditions, effective management involves lifestyle adjustments, supportive medications, and strengthening the skin barrier. Our goal is to eliminate triggers, alleviate symptoms, and prevent flare-ups and infections.

Consider these simple measures:

  • Avoiding Triggers
  • Adjusting you skincare routine
  • Always using sun protection
  • Stress Management and Diet

Discover relief with these medication choices designed to effectively alleviate your symptoms:

Emollients and Moisturizers

What it does:
Ensuring skin hydration and maintaining moisture are key treatments, enhancing the functionality of the skin barrier and reducing susceptibility to irritants.

Medications in this class:
Soap-free cleansers, Bath Oils, Colloidal Oatmeal, Ceramides, Dimethicone, Silicone, and Petroleum Jelly.


  • Combats dryness and water loss which contribute to deterioration of the skin.
  • Reduces penetration of irritants into the skin.


  • Application of products should be done in a specific order so as not to exacerbate dryness.
  • Some products may contain allergens that can make eczema worse.
Topical Corticosteroids

What it does:
Reduces inflammation and itching in both the short-term and long-term.

Medications in this class:
Desonide, Hydrocortisone, Betamethasone, Triamcinolone, and Fluocinolone.


  • Reduces inflammation, the root cause of dermatitis.


  • Need to account for the body area and size of affected area in choosing the correct corticosteroid.
  • Can cause thinning of the skin and a myriad of side effects based on how much medicine gets absorbed into the bloodstream.
Tar Preparations

What it does:
Reduces swelling and inflammation of the skin.

Medications in this class:
Topical coal tar.


  • Can help reduce the need for corticosteroids thereby reducing side effects.
  • Well tolerated by many patients with few side effects.


  • Has a tendency to stain clothes and linens.
  • Can cause an unpleasant odor.
Oral Corticosteroids

What it does:
Reduces severe cases of inflammation.

Medications in this class:


  • Good for acute severe cases caused by poison ivy or other irritants.


  • Prolonged use can cause diabetes, hypertension, bone loss, glaucoma, cataracts and the appearance of Cushing's syndrome.
Allergy Medications and Antihistamines

What it does:
Alleviates itchiness, a factor that can exacerbate rash and eczema.

Medications in this class:
Diphenhydramine, Loratadine, Cetirizine, and Desloratadine.


  • Can be beneficial for sleep.


  • Can cause drowsiness, dizziness and disorientation.
  • Have been known to cause allergic reactions.
Topical Calcineurin inhibitors

What it does:
Helps reduce inflammation and itching associated with skin irritation.

Medications in this class:
Tacrolimus and Pimecrolimus.


  • Helpful when other treatments have failed.
  • Can prevent flare ups and reduce the amount of treatment needed.


  • Not as effective as corticosteroids in eczema.
  • Can cause burning and stinging when treatment is first started.

About Acne

Imagine beginning your day with a routine glance in the mirror, only to be greeted by a fresh acne breakout. Acne, those persistent, often inflamed blemishes, can pop up anywhere on your face, back, or shoulders. Mostly due to hormonal changes, stress, or diet, acne is not just a physical challenge but can also be tough on your self-esteem.

What are the signs and symptoms of Acne?

  • Redness and Swelling: The inflamed, red spots are a clear sign of acne.
  • Pimples: Look out for whiteheads, blackheads, and sometimes painful cysts.
  • Scars: In severe cases, acne can leave behind marks or scars.

Breaking Down The Triggers:

  1. Hormonal fluctuations, particularly during puberty.
  2. Excess oil production and clogged pores.
  3. Bacterial growth on the skin.

How can I treat Acne?

Living with acne can be a tough journey, affecting not just your skin but also your confidence. MedBox is here to help with both.

Consider these simple measures:

  • Use targeted acne treatments, like topical creams or gels.
  • Maintain a skin-friendly diet and routine to reduce outbreaks.
  • Be gentle with your skin – avoid picking or squeezing pimples.

Discover relief with these medication choices designed to effectively alleviate your symptoms:


What it does:
Fights the bacteria that cause acne -reduces red swollen acne lesions.

Medications in this class:
Benzoyl Peroxide, Dapsone.


  • Less irritation than other options.


  • May bleach clothing.

What it does:
Gets rid of the bacteria that causes acne.

Medications in this class:
Clindamycin, Erythromycin.


  • Considered safe for acne.


  • Long term use is controversial.

What it does:
Effectively combats acne, prevents new breakouts, blocks inflammation, and aids in scar reduction.

Medications in this class:
Adapalene, Tretinoin, and Tazarotene.


  • Effective for mild to moderate cases with long term use.


  • Can cause redness, drying and irritation and in worse cases burning of the skin.
  • Can cause skin to be sensitive to the sun during use.

What it does:
Reduces acne lesions. Prevents new lesions from forming. Blocks the inflammatory process that cause acne. Can help with scarring.

Medications in this class:
Azelaic acid, Glycolic acid, and Salicylic acid.


  • Effective for mild to moderate cases with long term use.


  • Can cause redness, drying and irritation and in worse cases burning of the skin.
  • Can cause skin to be sensitive to the sun during use.

The information here has been written and reviewed by a licensed pharmacist. This summary is a only a very brief synopsis of treatment options and does not address all complexities that may be involved in determining appropriate therapy. It is meant as a guide for you to explore your treatment preferences in advance of speaking with your health professional. Information here may be incomplete or not applicable to you. Other options may be available depending on the presentation of diagnosis of the illness. This is not meant to be interpreted as medical advice. Medical advice can only be given directly by your health care clinician. Contact us for more details.

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