Infections can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites, but vary widely in symptoms and severity. They can be contracted through specific environmental exposure, contact with infected individuals, or from ticks and mosquitoes.
Effective management often involves prompt medical treatment and supportive care, with early identifcation and intervention being crucial for recovery

About Thrush
Thrush, typically caused by the Candida albicans yeast, is an infection that can affect the mouth, throat, and other areas. It's especially common among infants, the elderly, and individuals with weakened immune systems. This condition, while uncomfortable, is generally treatable.
What are the signs and symptoms of Thrush?
- White Patches: White lesions on your tongue or inner cheeks.
- Soreness: Difficulty or pain swallowing.
- Cracked Skin: Typically at the corners of your mouth.
Breaking Down The Triggers:
- An imbalance in natural bacteria and yeast in the body.
- Reduced immunity or overuse of antibiotics.
How can I treat Thrush?
Effectively managing thrush involves restoring a natural yeast balance in your body.
Consider these simple measures:
- Use antifungal medications as prescribed.
- Maintain good oral hygiene.
- Manage health conditions that may contribute to thrush.
- Avoid foods that can exacerbate yeast growth.
Discover relief with these medication choices designed to effectively alleviate your symptoms:
What it does:
Gets rid of the fungus causing the infection.
Medications in this class:
Nystatin, Fluconazole, Clotrimazole, and Miconazole.
- Very effective in eradicating thrush.
- Must be used as directed.
- Can take several days to clear.
About Tick bites and Lyme Disease
Tick bites, frequently encountered in wooded or grassy areas, can be more than just an irritation. They have the potential to transmit diseases like Lyme disease evident by a small bite mark, occasionally with the tick still attached.
What are the signs and symptoms of Tick bites and Lyme Disease?
- Bite Mark: A small red spot where the tick has bitten.
- Rash: In some cases, a red rash may develop around the bite area. It may look like blistered or a bull's eye.
- Flu-like Symptoms: Symptoms like fever, headache, and fatigue can sometimes follow a tick bite.
- If left untreated, the infection could spread to other areas of the skin, joints, brain, and heart.
Breaking Down The Triggers:
- Ticks in wooded, grassy, or high-brush areas.
- Contact with pets that have been in tick-infested areas.
How can I treat Tick bites and Lyme Disease?
Protecting yourself from tick bites is important to prevent Lyme disease. This includes wearing light coloured protective clothing, checking for ticks and using tick repellant.
Consider these simple measures:
- Safely remove the tick using clean tweezers as soon as possible.
- Keep the bite area clean and monitor for signs of infection.
- Seek medical advice if you develop a rash or flu-like symptoms.
- Use tick repellents and protective clothing in tick-prone areas.
Discover relief with these medication choices designed to effectively alleviate your symptoms:
What it does:
Effective in preventing Lyme disease after a high-risk tick bite has been identified.
Medications in this class:
Doxycycline and Azithromycin.
- Effective in prevention of lyme disease after tick bites.
- Needs to be started within 72 hours of tick removal.
The information here has been written and reviewed by a licensed pharmacist. This summary is a only a very brief synopsis of treatment options and does not address all complexities that may be involved in determining appropriate therapy. It is meant as a guide for you to explore your treatment preferences in advance of speaking with your health professional. Information here may be incomplete or not applicable to you. Other options may be available depending on the presentation of diagnosis of the illness. This is not meant to be interpreted as medical advice. Medical advice can only be given directly by your health care clinician. Contact us for more details.